Thursday, October 17, 2013

Top 7 Reasons Every Musician Should Blog

Top 7 Reasons Every Entreperuer  Should Blog

1. Blogging is a fabulous way of keeping your fans connected to you.

2. Google loves blogs.

3. Blogging puts you on a level playing field with other bloggers.

4. A blog allows you to invite your fans backstage and into your life so that they can see all sides of you... but only the sides you want to be seen.

5. You can syndicate your blog posts all over the Internet.

6. Starting a blogroll adds to your credibility with other bloggers.

7. Blogging gets you community feedback fast
Visit  to get more info.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blogging Domination For The New Internet Marketers 2014

The countdown has begun and come October 11, 2013 ENV2 aka Empower Network “The Beast” is going to be released and there will be no stopping it from the total web blogging domination for the new network marketers converting to “The Internet Marketing Army”. Question we have for you is will you be ready and prepared and up to the game of competition of dominating your niche or should I say niches?
Let me tell you in the beginning when I written my first blog post I was nervous. I wanted to write good but had no clue of what to write or how it should look all the way down to what images should I pull from Google to show up as a featured image.

SEO and Keyword Research were the skills I didn’t know and I had to learn the elements that create such an incredible blog post that will keep the reader interested and staying on the page hence increasing our Alexa Rankings and bounce rate. I know …I know…it’s too technical to comprehend but I am 100% sure after reading this article you will understand when I break it down for you.
Without these skills I was a fish dead out in the water. But as of July of this year I learned all new skillsets that catapulted my internet marketing abilities and increased my income simply by taking the time to learn all new skills. It wasn’t easy I am not going to kid you around but it was worth all the work and still I am not done …I am just getting started my friends.


 Let me share with you what I have learned that is going to help you put together a fantastic blog post that will drive traffic and increase your opt in rate for the future. Here are 5 elements of a great blog post to consider before posting a new blog post for the day.
1. Writing engaging and shareable content
If you are to ever become the authority in your niche your going to have to write engaging and shareable content. You want to be recognized as the person who knows what they are talking about and is able to explain information in an interesting way. The best resources you can use to help with creating such content are using a dictionary for spelling words, a thesaurus for changing synonyms, and a grammar reference guide to help with punctuation and sentence structure.
2. Writing scannable content
The strategy of writing content that is easily read is a great way to impress your reader the first time. This is key to keeping the post readable and easy on the eyes of your reader, so keep sentences apart by writing 2-3 sentences to make one paragraph then space down and continue towards the end like this article your reading now here.
3. Don’t write from what you feel like writing
In other words, say your working at home, and you are feeling a post coming on about helping mothers work at home but instead you write more about who your company is when they started yada…yada…yada. That’s not going to get read, and convert as well will it? Nope. This  is a waste of time and is extremely dangerous to your blogging career so don’t do it.
4. Write as if your talking to the person not at them
You know how the president or someone in authority speaks on certain subjects, he uses words like everyone, all, and people. When you are writing a blog post don’t write like that because it’s a big turn off and the readers BS alert is on high alert. Write as if your talking to one person and be yourself.
5. Don’t plagiarise others content that you haven’t read or written
Listen I am going to give some coaching advice here…I don’t have an issue with you if your inspired by some other bloggers content and you write something similar to it but use the same keyword. But, never ever plagiarise someone else content and say your the author of it. The reason we blog is so others can be inspired by our written words and wisdom but to copy and paste the same thing and put it out there is dangerous because two things can happen.
One is there is no integrity in what your doing at all okay, and what that will show others is you don’t know jack about your niche, and it makes your reputation go kaput!
Two, it is illegal and you will get SLAPPED! by Google and lose rankings indefinitely.

 I hope you learned something new by understanding the value of the ENV2 “The Beast” and will not let this opportunity pass you by, we understand the capabilities and know what to do but it’s up to you and what you will be blogging about as a internet marketer.

Click here to find out more:

To Your Success,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

With All the Chaos Going On With Government Based Jobs

With all the chaos going on with government based jobs, once again we see the challenge in having no control over your life.  Truth is, even if the government doors are closed, "The Internet is ALWAYS OPEN".
Imagine having a business of your own, where the money NEVER SLEEPS....
Imagine being able to generate an income from people ALL OVER THE WORLD, even when you're sleeping!
Imagine, waking up EVERY DAY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE, rather than being forced to do something based on what you're forced to do.... all to simply pay your bills!

This Wednesday (10/2) @ 9PM EST, we will be hosting a Webinar where we share with you the 3 Simple Steps to Freedom, and how you can create a successful career online...
Reserve Your Seat ASAP, as we only have 100 Seats Available that will get filled very quickly!

See you on the Webinar.. and get ready to kick the economical uncertainty in the gut, as you learn how to create your own Career Online!

Be Bold, Stop Waiting & Take Action

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Changing the Game of Blogging

Blogging Gone Hyper Drive
OMG!!!!!!! If you thought blogging was awesome before, you have got to see what ENV2.0 is going to do to the game. There will be a blogolution coming at the end of this month. But here is the thing not only will your blogging experience be cosmic. You can make money from it!!! Yes make money and lots and lots of it. Let me slip an income disclaimer in right here. Your result will vary. I don’t know how passionate you are about making money so I don’t know what your results will be. Click here for average earnings. All I can tell you is that so many are doing this  why can’t you? ENV2.0 is going to totally dominate the internet and you should be a part of it.
Blogging level Super Sayian
Here’s what you will be getting :
•Simple 2 click viral blogging platform
•Video and audio broadcasting
•Elements of WordPress, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter combined
•Most importantly you can make money from it
Join Our Viral Blogging Team
You don’t want to miss out on this awesome, new blogging revolution a “BLOGOLUTION” of massive proportions. Get started today to ride this massive wave all the way to the bank. It’s really simple to get started just click the take action now link below. You will be a part of an awesome community of people working with each other and supporting each other for everyone’s success. This is a no brainer guys get on board. Greatest success comes to those who decide and act quickly.

About The Author:

Yolanda is a Mompreneur & Mentor. She is a stay at home Mom who has not walked in a J-O-B since 2011. She learned how to create a income online Her passion is to inspire other to find Financial freedom & Time to do the things they love and deserve. Yolanda 's unique style of cutting straight through the BS' to share current personal development and marketing tips to excel motivated entreprenuers to the next level in life and business while learning the value of life and family, and managing the both of them all

Thursday, September 19, 2013

15K in 90 Days

THE WAITING IS OVER! The 15k Challenge starts tonight at 9 pm! Are you tired of being sick of tied of getting the same old results or no results? Don't you want to know how to apply the right knowledge to get AWESOME RESULTS? Your is in for and amazing awakening RIGHT NOW. Join me YOLANDA DANIELS and my beautiful, intelligent, inspiring friends as they share with you the secret to how they are successfully living a life style that makes you ask yourself, ' HOW IN THE WORLD DID THEY ACHIEVE THAT?" Tonight they will give you nuggets of knowledge on the techniques they use to change their own lives. Listen as they share with you a wealth of knowledge that you will be able to apply immediately! Click and you will be taken to a webinar called the Hangout. Do nothing to that page until 9pm, at that time refresh the page and the 15k challenge in 90 days will begin. You will want to inbox me for more details I guarantee you

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Live Tonight @ 9pm EST…. How She Has Earned Nearly $1Million Dollars In 2 Years Online

Right now!!! Learn from one of the most influential and highest paid marketers in the entire online marketing profession - Tracey Walker!

She's not only leads, mentors and coaches thousands of people on her team - and has helped an army o...f people create success in their business (some for the first time ever)...

....she's also fast approaching becoming the first female member of the Millionaires Club here at Empower.

When Tracey talks, people listen. And tonight at 9pm EST you have the exclusive (and exciting) opportunity to learn from her... FREE.

==> Dial in Right Now!! (209) 255-1040
Take action To Join Our Team Click on the Join Link Below!!!



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Come and Hangout with me and my Internet Marketing Friends on Tonight

Just Imagine for a moment

...that you are slowly, edging yourself, walking close to the tip of a cliff...

Contemplating, thinking about jumping off, conquering this fear that has been dominating you most of your life......

In the back of your mind you start to think you are hallucenating or maybe that you are crazy.

Your heart is beating super fast like its about to bust through your chest.

In one ear you hear the crowd screaming your name cheering you on and in the other ear you hear that old self say, "Are you crazy, what purpose will it serve you to jump off this cliff."

Then you walk closer and closer, slowly countdown in your head...

And you take the jump.

Imagine for a moment

...that you are eating dinner outside in a tropical climate, you have this amazing breath taking view of the Carribean Sea..

You can see the sky begin to turn orange-ish purple as the sun sets...

Your mouth drops open and you have to pinch yourself that you are really here in paradise.

Then out of nowhere you hear the butler calling your name saying, "here's your rum punch as you asked as well as your carrot cake for dessert."

You look around to see who he is talking to and then you come to your senses that it is...

Graciously you take the rum punch, take a sip, breathe in a deep breath, and relax. Life is just too good.

Imagine if you will,

...sitting in a lounging room with a scenery to die for of a pool running off the cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea and mountains of Jamaica, butlers constantly bringing in food, drinks, and Red Stripes at your beckon call...

...with 2 of the most powerful women in the internet marketing/ home based business industry, women that have earned well over 1.5 million dollars in their careers...

Sharing their coveted secrets on how to get unstuck and run a $30,000+ per month business working only 2 hours per day.

As one is speaking the light bulb finally goes off and you realize WHY you are stuck and how easy it is to start getting the results you know you deserve in your business.

At that moment you realize that one phrase was worth the $3,000 grand that you paid to be here.

And as you talk to the small few that were there, they say the same thing.


Well tonight you are going to have the opportunity to hear about:

these stories,

these breakthroughs,

how it felt living the good life,

and the never before told secrets of these powerhouse women

...that can literally take you from where you are now to possibly earning $30,000+ per month in 90 days.

Set your clock, watch, timer right now for 9PM EDT

because THIS is a hangout you DON'T want to miss.

I guarantee that.

Just Click Here To Hangout With Us!

 I'll see you tonight!

To your success,

~Yolanda Daniels

P.S. I don't know this for sure or not yet, but there will be a select few of you who will be given an opportunity to work directly with some of the 6-7 figure earners on our team.

But you have to be in attendance to see if you will be chosen!

"Good things come to those who wait..."

is usually what people quote although the statement is incomplete...

The rest of the phrase goes...

..."but only what's leftover from those who hustle!"

Don't's time to HUSTLE for your dreams!!

Click Here To Hangout With Us!

Monday, September 9, 2013

What Season Are You IN

What Season Are You IN?

Do you know want season you are in your life right Now? Don’t feel bad you are not alone the average person doesn’t know what season they are in concerning their life .

Listen the word says ”There is a time for everything and a season for everything activity under heaven”-Ecclesiastes 3:1...

Are you in a season to started letting GO!… People, Place, Or Things.

What stops you from doing your passion? Walking in your calling.

Is it that you are so busy doing other things that you’re not producing the results you are looking for because you don’t know your season in your life right now.


Spring- is the time when things are being reborn that was dead.

Fall- is the time when things are dying.

Winter- is the time when things are dead.

Summer-is the time when things are alive and blossoming.


Spring where places in your life that has been dead are being refreshed for your next level.

Maybe you are in Fall and there is something that needs to die before you are able to move on with your dreams.

How about Winter where things in our lives that are killing us daily, but we have been in winter so long we can not see when our season has change……


Summer where opportunities and life are happening everyday around the world in your town or city.

Do you know what season you are IN?

As the end of the year is coming to a close it is not too late to know what season you are in…just be still.

Remember your WHY! Remember your PASSION! Remember your PURPOSE!

When you begin to remember then you will know what SEASON YOU ARE IN.
To Your Success ~

Changing the Game Of Blogging

If you are wondering how can I brand myself and stand out I have just the thing for you.
Check out the link below.
Blogging is going to give your  business wings
To Your Success~

Friday, August 16, 2013

5 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

5 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

by | on August 16, 2013  
5 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs
Decades of personal experience and mentoring have taught me that successful entrepreneurs share these five qualities:
1. An unwavering passion.
The advice to do what you love has become a bit of a cliché. Everyone says, “Find your passion.” But that’s easier said than done. Being an entrepreneur demands commitment and dedication — more than most jobs do, I’d argue. If you’re ambivalent or mildly enthused about your product or service, that’s not going to sustain you through the highs and lows that will inevitably occur. If you find something you love enough to want to share it with others, that love will fuel and give you purpose.
2. Open-mindedness.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know never forget how much they can learn from others. They ask for advice. They’re flexible. They soak up the best practices around them like a sponge. Fear of failure can make it easy to grip onto your vision with an iron fist, but rigidity won’t serve you.
3. The desire to be an expert.
Entrepreneurs like a challenge. If they didn’t, they’d probably have chosen another line of work. But as exciting as it is to consider a new field, high-achieving entrepreneurs know the benefits of staying in the same industry for a while are immense. When you spend years in the same industry, you learn its history. Knowing what’s been done before can help you identify how it can and should move forward. In the meantime, you’ll build a network of relationships to support you in future endeavors, especially when times are lean. Those relationships are invaluable.
4. A forward-looking approach.
Successful entrepreneurs are always thinking ahead. They may stray from their roadmap, and that’s okay, but they have one in mind. Having a clearly established set of goals will keep you from getting stuck. Your goals may be constantly evolving, but if you don’t know where you want to go, chances are, you won’t get anywhere.
5. A constant flow of ideas.
Having one project that’s doing well is great. But the successful entrepreneurs I know don’t rest on their laurels. Instead, they’re constantly asking themselves, “What’s next?” They understand that being a successful entrepreneur is a lifestyle choice, not a destination.
Embrace these qualities and you will become a better entrepreneur.

To Your Success,

P.S. If you have not already connected with me, come on and let me help you make a full-time income, part-time online NOW!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Live Tonight @9pm EST: Powerhouse Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets Of Striking It Rich Online

Here’s your chance to get a front row seat with a panel of Entrepreneurs, who have tapped into the Emerging Trend of Internet Marketing, Built a Phenomenal Brand, Established Massive Credibility in the Marketplace, while becoming Self Made Millionaires…..
This Thursday Night, August 15th, @ 9pm EST / 6pm CST……
You will have the chance to be on the front row of one of the most powerful, awe-inspiring online events, where you can discover how this panel of Female Entrepreneurs have been able to go from Hardship and Heartaches to Becoming some of the most powerful and influential leaders online.
=== Reserve Your Seat Here Now ===
These self-made millionaires have discovered the secrets to success, wealth building and creating influence in a way where their stories are being sought after for Television.
From high school dropouts to Masters Degree Candidates… you’ll see how the one common denominator of “internet Marketing” has allowed these ladies to set themselves apart from the masses… while giving you the Formula and a simple system, showing you how you can follow in their footsteps to do the exact same thing!
By attending this Live Event, You’ll Discover The Following:
· The Secret To Manifesting Your Dreams & Creating Wealth
· How To Live Your Dream Life, Without Following “What Everyone Else Is Doing”
· How To Establish Credibility & Become Influential Fast
· How To Leverage The Internet To Triple Your Income
· The Power of Creating Passive & Residual Income
· The Fastest Way To Building Wealth
· The Secret To Becoming Apart Of The 1% Of The Wealthy, Without Climbing The Corporate Ladder Or Going To School For More Degrees
· How To Create Your Own Story Of Success Fast, Leveraging The Stories Of These Powerful Entrepreneurs
· How To Get Started Today, Creating Your Success
· The 6 & 7 Figure Blueprint
· & So Much More
This is a once in a lifetime event, where you can gather so much Power, Influence and Success in one place…. FOR FREE….
===>> Reserve Your Seat Here Now <<===
So You Can Get On The Inside, Of This Amazing Event, & See Your Life Shift From Ordinary To Extraordinary Fast, By Being Apart of It!
Register Now, Seats Are Limited: