Monday, September 9, 2013

What Season Are You IN

What Season Are You IN?

Do you know want season you are in your life right Now? Don’t feel bad you are not alone the average person doesn’t know what season they are in concerning their life .

Listen the word says ”There is a time for everything and a season for everything activity under heaven”-Ecclesiastes 3:1...

Are you in a season to started letting GO!… People, Place, Or Things.

What stops you from doing your passion? Walking in your calling.

Is it that you are so busy doing other things that you’re not producing the results you are looking for because you don’t know your season in your life right now.


Spring- is the time when things are being reborn that was dead.

Fall- is the time when things are dying.

Winter- is the time when things are dead.

Summer-is the time when things are alive and blossoming.


Spring where places in your life that has been dead are being refreshed for your next level.

Maybe you are in Fall and there is something that needs to die before you are able to move on with your dreams.

How about Winter where things in our lives that are killing us daily, but we have been in winter so long we can not see when our season has change……


Summer where opportunities and life are happening everyday around the world in your town or city.

Do you know what season you are IN?

As the end of the year is coming to a close it is not too late to know what season you are in…just be still.

Remember your WHY! Remember your PASSION! Remember your PURPOSE!

When you begin to remember then you will know what SEASON YOU ARE IN.
To Your Success ~

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